Terms and Conditions

The Benjamins

Client will pay invoices according to the payment terms of the respective invoices. Client assumes responsibility for any and all legal fees necessitated by default in payment. Default occurrences include if the Client fails to make a required payment when due, and the insolvency or bankruptcy of the Client. 

If a client has any invoices that are more than 30 days overdue, all work can be postponed until the payment of the full balance has cleared.

This is yours.

Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless boom. reactive. against any and all claims, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees, due to materials produced on behalf of the Client, specifically including any claims made by individuals claiming a lack of consent to be photographed or videotaped as a part of this project. All content and rights and liabilities thereto are the sole property of the Client.

Additionally, boom will have no liability for any individuals infected with Covid-19 or any other illness contracted during production.

Boom does not actively archive and maintain files and footage from completed projects. If requested, upon completion of the project we will provide all assets and project files to a hard-drive provided by the client for their own maintenance. Typically, we don't delete projects for a few weeks in the case that minor edits or tweaks are requested, but the longevity of a project's editable life is the sole responsibility of the client.

Our Portfolio

Boom retains the right to reproduce any content developed as a result of this agreement, in any form, for promotional use, competitions, or sale as stock footage. This includes use on Shaun’s YouTube channel for informal Behind-The-Scenes videos. Boom extends to our contractors the portfolio rights for any content they’ve developed for the project excluding footage of minors and proprietary assets.

Boom’s Working Environment

Boom strives to make our sets welcoming and inclusive to all and to create a comfortable environment for everyone present. We ask that everyone on set with us behave respectfully and professionally.

If any representatives of the client use language or display behavior that is disrespectful on set, after one warning, boom will either:

  1. Terminate the project immediately and client will be responsible for all costs incurred, or

  2. Continue shooting and double the cost of the shoot day. The additional funds will be used to double the paycheck of everyone present on the crew.

Examples include:

  • Racist language or comments

  • Sexist language or comments

  • Rude comments about someone’s appearance

  • Discriminatory or bigoted language. 

  • Comments that could make someone on set uncomfortable.

If you think you have individuals who may put you at risk, please talk to them beforehand or forward them this policy.

If we hear something that makes us uncomfortable, we’ll politely remind everyone of our policy. If the behavior continues, we’ll notify the client of our decision to terminate or impose the fine and continue shooting.

If you have any questions about this policy before signing your agreement and scheduling a project, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our goal is to make our projects comfortable, inviting, encouraging, and enjoyable for everyone involved. We would love to never enforce this policy, and hopefully having this policy in place will be enough to avoid more situations like the ones that prompted this policy in the first place.


By scheduling a shoot with us, clients agree to the above terms including our Working Environment expectations.

To save time and paperwork, please take a photo of yourself holding up a sign with the following and Email it to Shaun.

  • Your Organization’s Name

  • Your Estimated Project Cost (if known)

  • “I agree. boom.”

  • Your Signature

  • The Date

That's a pretty telling indication of a willful understanding of the terms and conditions, right?

In our terms, the "This is yours." clause places ownership and respective liability of all footage and projects with the client. If you don't already have a signed agreement with everyone and anywhere that may be used in a video we create for you and you'd like to take a step toward protecting yourself from usage issues, let us know. Upon request, we’re happy to connect you to our preferred Production Legal firm for development of documents and agreements to help protect your production.